Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 73 - Da BBQ

A couple weeks ago I mentioned that I would be having some people over for a BBQ, but remain "in budget". 

Some of the ways I was able to do this were:

1) I planned food options that were from things we already had around.  For instance, these Mini-Turkey Burgers, and Brats

2) I asked people to bring a dish.  Most people are happy to do this, and it allows for everyone to have at least one thing they like.  

So how did it go.  Well I "had to buy" Hawaiian Buns, and I decided to get Watermelon too as a healthy side.  Total that was about $7.68 in additional spending.  A little over the $5 budget, but super economical. 

Having friends bring food was nice, but it does result in some really random options.  Everybody was super nice to bring stuff, but we had doubles of some things.  Also, I'm not sure why, but most people left their leftovers behind (despite my remindering to not).  So our fridge is extra-full.  Anyway, I'm sure whatever extra food came in compensated for the extra money spent.. and perhaps even some of the other (sunk) food costs. 

People really like the Turkey Burgers, and raved about the sauce (it was extra basil-y).  Also (no surprise), I doctored up the Turkey Burgers a bit to include Worcester and cumin... these have rich flavors, which allow for meat to tastes ... more meaty? and I thought that would make the manly men happy.  Huzbun think turkey-burger is dirty word, and says his friends think so too.  ... I said "try these!"  It seemed like people enjoyed them, and even Huzbun said "They weren't bad, and were made even better by the sauce."  I guess I will be throwing Basil in just about everything now. 

Okay - one more thing! What's a party without drinks? aye?

Here a new drink I concocted - WaterLemon Rum

1/2 cup chunk watermelon
1/2 Ice cubes
1 TBS Lemon Juice
1 tsp Sugar (optional)
1 TBS Rum (or more, if you like)

Turns out looking like this! It tastes really light, airy and lemony. 

Truth be told most of the boys (which was most of everyone) Brought their own Beer (BTOB?).   However, I couldn't resist sharing the recipe - I liked it at least.

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