Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 60 - Free Food Blog

Lately, this blog has been about me eating for free and not for five dollars, perhaps I should have called this free food blog. 

First we had some free Lasanga

Then there was a Dinner out on the company dime.   (I just like the phrase "company dime" it feels very old money to me)

and I didn't mention it, but last week there was free goldfish crackers in the cafeteria

What was I doing in the work cafeteria you ask?  Well... I was hungry... really hungry! and I had forgot to bring food to work. So I was about give in and get something from the cafeteria.  While I was looking for the cheapest thing with any redeeming healthy attribute - I saw a big bowl of these marked free.  In awe, I double checked with the cashier, and she verified that the sign was true.  Whoo hoo!  Now I don't know why they were in the free bin, but they tasted fine, and I never checked the expiration date.... so hmm.

Also, Jen @ Prior Fat Girl - bought me coffee... or to be more specific Chai Tea Latte at Caribou.  Nice! Thanks Jen! (I did do some photo taking... but it was extra nice of her anyway)

AAND... - there was free luna bars at yoga yesterday.  which I ate today (err Day 61)
I haven't had two many of these Luna bars, but I couldn't really distinguish it taste wise from a candy bar.  I wondered how Luna gets away with being called healthy, and Snickers still gets a bad wrap.  That being said, I haven't actually had a Snickers bar in a long long time either, so I may not be the best judge.   Sorry Snickers it's not you - it's me. I prefer my candy in the fake fruity form.

Not going to lie - free food is pretty GREAT... so was free YOGA on Sunday (Day 60).  Generally, I like free... guess that's not too surprising for someone who writes a blog with a frugality bent to it.  It is perhaps making this - too easy?  Guess I'm not going to worry about it to terribly much as we are currently at a rate of  $5.54/day, nice to be able to catch up!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Free Food!! I remember one time when I was in college, they were giving out free Dove Bars (YUM).

    Now that I work on a college campus, I don't see as many free food giveaways. Occasionally, they give out energy drinks, which I avoid like a plague.

    Best free food I scored in a long while was some yogurt parfets (I got lemon whip) at the bus stop. Very yummy, and they were even sugar free!!



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