Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 69 - Healthy, Tasty, Easy

I'm not exactly sure what Salmon costs, but the last time I bought it was about $21 for two (approx 1lb) packages.  I remember thinking that was a good deal at the time.  So - the point is this wouldn't be a very frugal meal if I had purchased the salmon, but my soon-to-be brother-in-law gave it too me, after his adventures in Alaska. 

We used our fancy shmance pan to cook this one up.  Basically I threw in Raw Salmon, Raw Asparagus, Kalamata Olives.  I then made a "sauce" consisting of Kalamata Olive juice, Mike's Hard Lemonade, and Kung Pao Sauce.  I poured the "sauce" over everything and let er rip!

Ta Da!

Also in food news - I made a trip to gasp! ..... Costco.  The motivation for the trip was to purchase some cereal for Huzbun.  In retrospect, maybe I should have tried to con him into eating oatmeal, but he loves this new cereal we found.  It's Natural Granola, and apparently it's very good and very filling.  I never understood eating cereal though - I tend to think it's gross.  We got ours for $7.99

Of course, cereal was not all we found - there was Blueberries ($4.99), BIG Watermelon ($4.99) and Kashi Bars (12 Pack - $8.29).  I just learned that Fiber ONE bars are 90% sugar, so not the healthy breakfast I had imagined.   Oh well, I'll finish the box anyway, but then have to kiss them good bye and move on to Kashi Bars. 


  1. That looks amazing. If you ever come across a salmon tree, I'll be all over that. There's no real sub for it.

    Gotta watch out for that Costco place. At least you got some super yummy stuff.

  2. You think cereal is gross? Your crazy. Nuts. Insane.

    I love me some cereal & can't have it in my house...too much of a trigger food.

  3. I love the Costco Blueberries. SO good and so fresh.

    I love salmon and eat it quite frequently.

    And I totally agree about cereal. Can't stand the stuff!

  4. Without Kashi's Honey Sunshine cereal (mmm delicious) and soymilk I would most likely starve... it's my big go to during the summer when it's too hot to cook (because I have no air conditioning, blech).

    Your salmon meal looks delicious, I love olives and never would have thought to put Mike's Hard Lemonade in a recipe like that, love the ingenuity :)

  5. wow - who knew cereal could be so controversial. Thanks for all the comment love!



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