Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Check-in 1

So I guess I made a commitment yesterday and I better keep it up. 

Today I credited my self another $10.00

I spent $3.50 of it on Propel and Chips - due to poor memory about needing a lunch today and lack of time to get one.  Anyway, I guess I am still getting use to this. 

Current Balance: $10.17

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I'll start today

Lately, my blog has been a tad dormant, and I have been thinking about how much fun my blog was when I was eating for less $5/day. How I like having something to talk about everyday in regards to food and frugality.

Well... I guess that means I need a new challenge.  I concieved of something which is... well... not that challenging, but it fits with my life as of right now.

Recently, I've had some big changes happen.  It's hard to know how to say this without taking a half an hour or a lot of text, but for now I am just going to say it - my husband and I have seperated.  The statement that begs a thousand questions: why? how come? when did this happen?  Of course these questions are best answered over coffee or a glass wine, and I've decided that for now that's the only way I'll answer them.  So sorry blog friends, but I need time to gather my thoughts, before I spew them out here. 

The point I am making is my food is my own now, and so is my money.  This is a relief.  It is coupled with a new found feeling of responsibility, but also control.  I think it''s okay to want control sometimes. 

So in attempts to control/challenge myself - I am going to monitor my food budget.  I am going to limit my "food and booze" spending to less than $10/day.  It's not astromically low - but it's a limit.  A limit I can work with.  It allows me to bank money on the days I eat in, so I can still go out "when I want to".  Or at least that's the idea. 

Like the the last challenge, I will have the advantage of a well stocked kitchen going into this.  Unlike the last challenge, I hope to continue this indefinetly (though probably not forever).

I credited myself $10 today, and spent $3.03 on a breakfast burrito, followed by $3.30 on soup and corn bread - remaining balance today: $3.67

Sunday, September 12, 2010


The way I spent time on my birthday (9/11) this year is pretty unique - I attended the first ever MN Blogger Conference.  It was my first blogger conference as well. 

I have a lot of positive things to say about how the conference went and my over all experience was with it, although it was not quite what I expected.  It started off per usual conference style.  I checked in, got a name tag and a schedule, and started to make final decisions about what sessions I would attend.  The beginning keynote had some great remarks which caused me laugh and consider.  As we progressed throughout the day each session contained valuable information that was delivered with a surprising level of professionalism.  Something I wouldn't necessarily expect from a free conference.

The sessions were good, but chatting with other bloggers throughout the day really made the event what it was.  I've had opportunities to meet a number of blogging friends, and it's always fun when those talks get to go beyond the chit/chat level.  I truly feel that I've made real friends as a part of this, and can't wait to see how those relationships might grow in the future.

The closing keynote was given by a man named Matt Logelin.  You may have heard of him.  I had. 

So let me just say that I hadn't read his blog, but knew a bit about his story, and I was totally prepared for canned/preachy speech with an appeal for cash at the end.  Call me a cynical a$$-hole, but I don't like being emotionally appealed to, just to fund someone's pet project.  I know - I have no heart.

SO THEN - Matt starts talking.

...and I realize that I might actually like this person.  Matt lost his wife to an unknown blood clot, one day after his baby girl was born.  The story was honest as well as true - it wasn't formatted for agenda, it wasn't seeking attention, it wasn't mixed in with narcissism.  I wish I could re-deliver the "message" in the same way that I heard it, but I can't.  I can tell you that I was laughing and I was crying - basically at the same time, and since my heart is made of stone - this is a pretty amazing feat.   

Matt received a great outpouring of help from the blog community to help him in his tragedy, and now he has made a commitment to paying it forward.  He started the Liz Logelin foundation, to facilitate that mission.  This Saturday, there is a 5K to support the foundation.  I think running in this race is the least I could do, and plus I love running 5Ks! so why wouldn't I.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Strong Stuff

Recently I found this article, which was lovely fodder in terms of unconventional viewpoints.  On one hand it's an excellent tool to start a discussion on correlation vs. causation - on the other hand it linked me to the following humorous video:

So this definitely changes the question "How many beers makes the night?", however at $35- $40/bottle - I guess it will cost you the same.

Not much of a beer girl myself, I prefer wine - but what do you say - would you prefer to drink one beer or eight? Assuming the same final result.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Foodalyst sans food

Hello and yes - I am still alive.   While this may just be the quintessential dormant blog post that says "I'm sorry I'm not blogging, but I'll blog soon blah", I figured I could write a few words on why this blog has been more dormant that I would of hoped for.  I picked up some contract work recently, I wasn't looking for anything, but they gave me an offer I couldn't refuse.  It's an excellent opportunity at an excellent company.  The work is tough, but the management is helpful, and the team I am on seems amicable so far.  So technically speaking I already had a full-time job this fall, so adding another part time job - is definitely pushing my human limits of space and time.  The point: I'm busy.  The result: cooking, blogging, and such has been pretty limited.

and Honestly, I miss it.


So here's where I am at, for reasons I don't wish to completely explain on this blog - I feel required to earn more than I make at my dream fulfilling teaching job.  Not a lot more, but a bit more.

My position at as a engineer - is relatively comfortable (as compared to some of my previous employment choices), pays more than I would ever need a job to pay, but just a bit too soul-sucking for my taste.

My position as an engineer is what I "should" do with my life.  I was given a great deal of opportunity in this field, and I will have more in the future if I were to continue to apply myself.  But as I sit inside the four walls of a cubicle day upon day - my motivation to move forward and grasp - whatever it is I am supposed to be grasping - wanes.  I want to get myself to buck up, and then kick whatever it is that needs kicking - make the *big* bucks and stop disappointing everyone with my failed career.

The other piece of me wants to forget it all, and go after the life I want.  Who knows, maybe I could supplement my income with this blog?  (and I call myself a realist)... which would make teaching a viable option for me.  Also, a conversation with my boss the other day indicated that I could probably make more than I am making with teaching if I try out a few options I hadn't thought of.     

So, at the end of the day, I want to be in Education.  I feel a sense of peace whenever I am there (at school) - helping my students, lecturing, coming up with lesson plans.  It's the kind of work, that doesn't feel too much like work.  It's the kind of expectations I can meet - and this is something I like to be doing (ie meeting expectations).  At least I know this much.

In the meantime though - I have a conundrum.  One thing I lack in the education world is the elusive "graduate degree".  Obviously, I am employed as is, but certain opportunities are just out of reach.  Working for a large company as an engineer could possibly provide me with the means to get my Masters degree (whether it be the additional income or the actually just paying for the degree itself)... which would intern make me more marketable in the Education world.  The question:  Can I really work a 40 + hour/week job and get my masters.  I know "people do it all the time", but can I? and do I want to?  And how much longer can I really handle working as an engineer?  Also, do I stand to lose any network connections by dipping out of the Education world for a time?  I don't know - what do you guys think?    

and oh yeah - I'll be cooking again soon - somehow.


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