Sunday, April 29, 2012

Get in Gear Half Marathon Recap

Given the imminent weather conditions (rain, cold and a chance of sleeting), I had to re-design the race day outfit.  It involved sourcing a pair of running leggings (which have been on my to get list), and yes, wearing the shorts over, because I don't have a spibelt (or similar) to carry small things like my clif shot blocks.  The fuel belt or "bat belt" as Tony calls it is simply too much to carry on race day as far as I'm concerned.  I really like to go with the bare minimum if I can.  The shorts also proved to be the only semi-waterproof element of my outfit.  (Note to self: waterproof running gear could be a wise investment).  Unseen, are my compression socks, under the leggings.  Later, I added a fleece to the mix as well.  My new garmin also made it's race day debut.  

Mile 1 was tough.  The rain took some getting use to, I often don't mentally get into running until at least a mile in (guess that's what makes me a distance runner), and my "pain issues" were most noticeable during this part.  Also, we were with the 10Kers for the first 5 ish miles and the path was very crowded which is partly a lot of fun, but also can slow you down a bit.   During mile 2 the pain I felt subsided (or I numbed myself to it), the crowds broke up a bit and I had my fastest split!  I didn't feel any "hurting" again until around mile 12 ish.  

I held very close to 11 min miles for most of the race and with the help of the garmin's pace calculator, I could see that I was gaining on my goal.  At about 9 miles in I was actually 4 mins ahead of my goal time.  Huge mental boost - I have to say.  While it takes away some of the suspense of whether or not I would make it, it was nice to run a more "secure" race.    

My mom asked if the running in rain was "exhilarating", and I think I've experienced that in certain circumstances - last summer on the super humid days - a little sprinkling could be really nice.  However, somewhere around mile 11.5 the wind, rain and cold started to get the best of me.  I had literally stepped in more than one puddle at this point and was getting tired of sopping tennis shoes and the feeling of being undeniably, down to the bone, wet.   I had to walk some during mile 12, but was careful not to lose too much on my "lead".    

Only a few courageous cheerleaders made it out on this race day, but I do have one shout out for the "Orange jacket guy" who was valiantly biking and stopping to cheer several times along the path.  He must of been cheering for someone who finished near me and we started recognizing each other!   At 12.5 ish he yells "only a half mile left!" and "Next stop is the finish line"... it's silly but it was just enough to remind me this was almost over, and I could run the rest.  

Finishing strong
So completely to my surprise - I made my goal and finished at 2:28:12

It's more than I thought I could do and I'm feeling really validated for the work I put in, the playing it safe with pain, and the added cross-training.  I also feel really encouraged about future races especially the TC marathon in the fall.  More than just a nice time, as I walked off those finish mats and my legs were super sore... I really felt that I did everything I could to make this race happen.       

And the garmin data.... (note: I actually ran 13.23 miles, so the garmin data is slightly different than my official race time) (need to be on blog site to see)

Tony was a great supporter and even volunteered with the sweat check for a while (for which he was awarded a T-shirt) dutifully took pictures, and gladly bought me lunch post run.  My mom couldn't be there physically, but was a great virtual support by sending me texts before and after the race! Also, a round of thanks to more people than I can mention in the running community and via twitter for being a part of this journey in so many ways.  

Frozen, but happy

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Race outfit and weather complications

Here in MN deciding on a race outfit has the complication of weather.  The weather here is not only somewhat brutal, but rather unpredictable.  I've been watching the weather reports and hoping for good results.   I really want to wear my shorts and tank top that my parents got me for Easter.

However, I am thinking I will have to forego that.  

Looks like pants, jacket and probably a rain coat.
Well, here's the cute outfit - I could have worn.
maybe another day... or who knows - the weather always changes here
It's totally cute though. -right?  

My "original" goal was to finish under 2:30, but right now I think that might be a tad out of reach.  Won't say I won't though.  My secondary goal is to finish better than 2:38 which is the time I passed the half-marathon mark while running the marathon last fall.  

Also, wanted to take a moment to shout-out to all the folks who are running in the Get-in-Gear races (some Half Marathon some in the 10K) with me.

Sara (@EdwardsSaraJ) - my running partner who kept me motivated to move this winter even when it was cold out.

Annie (@AnnieO5) and Angie (@angieinmsp) - who joined me for a great 5 mile run!

Ann (@Minnesota_Ann) - who's posted some great blogs that have really educated me on running!

Maria (@maria_mareeahh) - who I just met!

Kat (@kljwm) - in which we unwittingly shared our first marathon (and got to know each other later).

... and probably some people who I've missed (not intentionally to be clear)

To close: There's been some talk on the Internets about who's a runner / who isn't and this such.  I think it's a bit of an unfortunate conversation to begin with, since really  - who decides these things.  I could go on, but recently I found this quote which sums up my thoughts nicely.

If you run, you are a runner.
It doesn’t matter how fast or how far.
It doesn’t matter if today is your first day or
If you’ve been running for twenty years.
There is no test to pass, no license to earn,
No membership card to get.  You just run.
~  John “The Penguin” Bingham

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Half Marathon Training Update

Ok, here's my summary of the ups and downs of my current half-marathon training program.

I've done two major long runs in the past TC 10 mile and TC Marathon - I'm proud of those races for all the reasons I should be, but I have to admit I've always taken a very... let's call it minimalist approach to my training.  I do enough to complete the race, but I don't go overboard - this "strategy" has had it's pluses and minuses.

I really wanted this to be the race - where I didn't skimp on runs.  I modeled my program after Hal Higdon, but added in "extras" to be more aggressive in my training.  I introduced Hill Training - which was tough (and okay - I only did the workout twice), and I did not completely omit cross training like I've done in the past.  Also, I made improvements with strengthening and stretching, but honestly I still could grow a lot here.

So not perfect, I wasn't expecting that anyhow, but all very on the up and up.

But....  about 3 weeks ago - I started experiencing come calf/shin pain that I couldn't just ignore.  I know from my past injury that these things deserve attention.  This might be an obvious lesson for some, but I am sort of a "grin and bare it" kind of gal.  When I was young, I once walked around with a screw stuck in the bottom of my foot thinking the pain would just go away.

At any rate - I didn't ignore the pain, and I've been stretching, massaging and resting.  I also bought a Zensah Calf/Shin Splint Compression Sleeve and a Gaiam Stretch & Strength Foam Roller Kit - which have been doing their respective jobs.

The resting, while salvaging my body, has "hurt" my training, and I can't avoid feeling upset by that.  I was hoping for 2:30 marathon, but realize that I may have overshot.  It's okay do that, I realize, and I really believe it better to overshoot then never aim at all.

On the plus side, I'm glad I've had the biking and swimming to keep me moving.  I even trashed last weekends long run in favor of a 27 mile bike ride - and let me say that was pretty tough (and awesome) too.

So, today was the last of my long runs before the Half-Marathon, which is in 9 days.  I ran 10 miles, which is enough.  I maintained a pace of 11:31 - which is still very solid for me (and the last 2 miles were decidedly hill-ish and windy).  My shin/calf still feels 8/10 but I am confident it is stable.  I will run a couple more times before the big day, more foam rolling and cross training, but really is just a waiting game now.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

State of the Blog Address

I started this blog 2 years ago today.

So this is my blogger anniversary!

To be accurate - I actually blogged in a few different place before this blog came to be, but never with as much consistency or direction.  It should probably tell you something that I actually think this blog is consistent and directed.

I had this wacky idea that I could feed myself and then husband for less than $5/day, and I almost did (averaged a little less than $6) - check out the archives if you would like to follow that how that journey went.  (or don't - as they sort of haunt me)

My life has spun into many new and interesting directions since then and I like to think that this "place" has been a part of that.  Though I'm not sure how it looks on the outside.

At the beginning, I was primarily interested in talking about frugal topics when I started this because I thought it would be marketable.  Obviously, I have transitioned to other areas too (running, health, recipes, frugal thoughts, fun and cats!).  Basically, my blog has  become about my interests (or me), but I try to stay somewhat topical and not too "life-blog"-esque (whatever that means).

What I hope to have more of in the future is:

I really think I have "found my zen" with this "hobby" and hope to make it a more prominent part of the blog (if it hasn't already become).  It deviates from my original topic the most but it's on my mind a lot.  More reviews on running stuff.  I've made a few purchases lately (mostly good) and I think I should take the time to talk about that.  Don't worry - it won't become the only topic! and I'll try not to bore everyone too much come marathon season

Love trying new cooking techniques and food, and that will always be apart of what I do on here.  It's sort of supposed to be the core element.

At the risk of sounding arrogant - I have a lot going on in my mind, hence I run! but I often write too.  Sometimes my longer, introspective blog posts though don't make the cut and wind up indefinitely in "draft purgatory" because I'm too afraid or the post themselves are too unrefined.  I'd like to see a few more of the discussion provoking pieces on here, but (don't worry) I don't want my blog to look like "insert rant here" either.  

What I hope to have less of:

hmm... dead time?


What do you think?  Anything you would like to see or not see?

Monday, April 9, 2012

Crave-worthy Dip (that's actually healthy)

Have you guys gotten on pinterest yet?  If not - you should!  It's fun stuff and you can follow me too! (link in the side bar)

Anyway, there is a lot of crave-worthy creations to attract your taste buds, but I spotted this dip and thought - oh that's actually healthy too! (win-win)

Even Tony agreed that this looked great, so I decided to try it out.

Hummus Layer

Cilantro Pesto made with pine nuts and pecans


Finished Product ( or I stopped taking pictures of every layer)

I made two - this is the vegan version (no feta)
Raw red onions were omitted from both plates, because I sort of hate them (sorry).  I also used sun-dried tomatoes instead of oven dried.

Frugal thoughts:  This dip would have be absurdly expensive if I hadn't made the humus and pesto myself.  I also bought the feta in bulk (costco) and pine nuts are from trader joes so I get some smart shopping points on that as well.

Foodie thoughts:  I served these at a small get together with friends, of various eating habits.  One of my friends who prefers the classically american fare said "It looks beautiful, but I don't think I'll have any"  without citing a specific reason.  I guess he wasn't adventurous enough to try?  Luckily, there were others with more welcome palates.   Suffice it to say, my two vegan friends basically licked the plate clean.

Oh, and if I didn't mention it already - totally making this part of my regular party fare!


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