Wednesday, July 24, 2013

An introduction

So I'll acknowledge that it's been a while since I've graced this blog with my presence.  Do I miss it or am I missed?  I don't know.  I owe you a race recap of the Triathlon I completed  on Sunday, but I want to include some pictures, so there's the hold up.  In the mean time, I have an introduction for you.

Life gets full.

filled with things that are wanted, and some not so wanted.

and somehow the things you love slip.

... and you find it's been 7 years since you've been camping.

but one day you dust off your camping pots, buy a tent and somehow cram a camping trip into an already full weekend.


maybe it's because life is always about figuring out new priorities

maybe it's because it finally just worked out

... or maybe it's because you met someone who is just as crazy as you.


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