Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 59 - Running and Such

Today I woke up early in the morning to take some photos of some of my new found blogger friends run in a 5K.  Jen@PriorFatGirl offered to buy me coffee in return.  I may have done it anyway, but the coffee was certainly an added bonus. 

From L to R - Cindy @HealthyHeartJourney, Alexa @TaleOfTwoCities, Megan, Mary @FitThisGirl and Jen@PriorFatGirl

They all blog about eating healthy food, and I blog about eating cheesaritos... lol. 

Speaking of Food - They had some free food after.  The photographer has to eat too. 

Anyway, Jen@PriorFatGirl had an interesting thought today.  She thinks that I should be running 5Ks instead of just taking photos at them. Apparently there is one in two weeks. 

Two Weeks! That's crazy. 

Anyway, I had a thought too, if I could come home and go 3 miles (run or walk for basically a 5K) in under 45 mins... about where the last of the running pack was coming in today, I would sign up.  It's a free 5K, so I don't have to worry too much about doing super well, but I also don't want to be the last one.   And... I did! I was just barely under, but I know I wasn't pushing myself so I know I can do better.

I was so excited about how well this went that I also signed up for another 5K in August! It's called the Milk Run at the MN State Fair, and you get a free milkshake when with registration - yipee!  

So there you go - Coffee and Milkshakes... now you know my major motivations in life.  Try not to abuse them.  

Disclaimer: If you don't exercise somewhat regularly "training" to run a 5K in two weeks may not be recommended. However, if you are still interested - you should still consider this program.

UPDATE: The Julia Jones 5K training program (click here) also looks like a great way to start. 

Other notes: we are now at 10/12 for meals out - hard to break that Friday night routine.  Also, I have the urge to cook, but am trying to do roommates (and myself) a favor, by clearing the fridge of leftovers first. 


  1. I love that you have come out to spend a couple Saturday mornings photographing us but am even more in love with the thought of you running with us next time!

    Love the pictures, can't wait till your in our next ones!

  2. Thanks for the c25K link!! I had this uber secret goal of trying to train to run a 5K but had no idea of how to start out. Right now I have a three mile park that I "wog" (walk/Jog) as much as I can. I figured that once I could run that, then I could start looking for a race.

    I can't wait to read all the materials!!

    Oh, and congrats to you. Good luck on your 5K. And your leftovers.

  3. @Cathy - evaluate for yourself, but I think the Julia Jones program is better. It's "geared towards women" and seems more varied.

  4. I wondered who took the photos! I loved them! They made me cry! GREAT job entering to do your own 5k!!

  5. Thanks for the recommendation, Ruby Leigh. I will check out both programs.



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