Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 35 - "Lazy about Food" - How Come?

Huzbun has been going through the Twilight series (ahem - try not to let your opinions on that override what I am about to say here)  books and movies simultaneously.  As one would suspect there is a myriad of differences between what happens in the book and what happens in the movie.  One seemingly minor difference is that in the book the characters tend to eat at home more, the story takes place in the grocery store and at the kitchen table.  However, the movie version the same portion of the story takes place at a restaurant while dining out.  In my opinion, this seemingly slight environment difference says something about our culture at large.  It seems we view life that happens "when we are out" as somehow more exciting.  That got me thinking about whether or not that is true.  I think there is certainly a higher level of direct entertainment.  However is if that is always a good thing or truly enjoyable is debatable.  Somethings, while not as directly amusing are more valuable because they take time or patience to enjoy.  Savoring a home cooked meal can be a more enjoyable experience, but it takes time and energy to appreciate. 

It appears there is some sort of overarching societal demand for the "effortless" meal. 

Let's not shred our cabbage (or lettuce), let's buy it in a bag
Let's not make our dough, let's buy it in a can
Let's not bother with this cooking, let's buy food already made.

In essence there are so many ways to be lazy about food.  It seems "Food Processing" is not something done in our kitchens but in factories and restaurants.  But really - Is this okay?  I mean I am always finding ways to increase productivity in other areas of my life such as "checking e-mail" and "keeping a budget". If I can get a somewhat similar result with less effort well than I'll take it.  But should this same attitude apply to our food

I have to say here I fall into many of short-cut food patterns at times (part of why I'm doing this).  There are many examples beyond the ones mentioned earlier where the extra "work" is not particularly hard or time consuming.  However many people still skip it. Does anyone have their own idea of why this is?

FYI - Tonight we are using up a freebie out to eat night to take a friend out to dinner.  We are armed with coupons - but even so it does not fit with the $5/day so we are now at 6/12 dinner.  Again that is a little a head of schedule... but I guess I'm still thinking optimistically about the future of this. Currently averaging $5.74/day


  1. Thanks for such a thought provoking post. I sure hope everyone comes up with a good answer for this, because I've been wondering the same thing myself.

    I agree with the "entertainment" value of meals out. I know that the majority of times that I eat out, it is because I am bored - I either want to get away from the desk at work OR bored with what I have to eat at home.

    I'm trying to decrease this tendancy of mine - I've made an effort to make new types of meals as well as have more of a variety of lunch-type items (In the past, I've depended on leftovers for lunches, but that meant I was eating the same thing twice or three times a day).

    With respect to using pre-prepared items (shredded lettuce and other items): I have been guilty of that in the past, but am trying to overcome that as well. If, for no other reason, to reduce the environmental impact of the packaging. I've completely switched over to bulk lettuce and vegetables, and am working on getting rid of other processed items as well. I'm proud that I've come a long way on this!! I'm not perfect, but am close.

    Except for shredded cheese. At my local store, the shredded cheese is the same cost per pound as the block cheese, so I usually let someone else do the work on that one. :-)

  2. Hopefully the point here is not that perfection be demanded. As the day that I write this I was "too lazy" to cook and went out to eat. It was a nice way to spend time with our friend too - and of course Huzbun had some say in the decision as well. I let him off the leash once in a while - jk jk.

    Anyway, I think it's important that we are concious of it. I know full well that I'm not the greenest or frugalist person on earth, but I try. I learn, I find out what I can apply what seems appropriate for my life, and give myself a break once in a while. It's my opinion that if everone made the effor to improve a couple things at a time, then improve a couple more things - the world would improve, in many areas.

  3. I agree. I'm also trying VERY hard to not beat myself up about the occasions that I fail.

    *sigh* Hard to do.

    We can only try, though, right?



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