Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 27 - Arby's

So after some tempting from the husband and my unimpressive attempt to resist - We went to Arby's for dinner.
We had these coupons:
 (They say free sandwich with purchase of small fries and small pop)

I thought we could be able to come in under $5.00 - unfortunately "small" does not mean item on the value menu.  There is a "small" item and there is a "value" item... and they are different.  Especially different because the "small" one costs $0.59 more than the dollar "value" item.  So after realizing that I would not be able to meet the five dollar mark... We threw out all hope and ended up spending $9.36 -muh!  I didn't want to count it toward our eating out total, because it seemed like a waste to use it on Arby's.  However counting it to our dollar total is going to set us back... perhaps this will just become a more interesting challenge towards the end, more similar to what j. is doing.

At any rate this is what we got.

And of course the sauce:

Arby's sauce makes me regret this a little less. (yum yum) It's so fun to try them all. 

Since starting on this strange little escapade where I basically have to avoid fast food; I have noticed that it makes me fuller that it did ordinarily (ie before five dollar days).  I have been ordering similar amount to before but becoming stuffed before I finish my meal.  I am sure there could be a thousand reasons for this, but I couldn't help but think that when I am away from some bad foods that I don't need as much of them to fill me up.  Any thoughts? 

In other news - the mound leftover chicken functioned well in a wrap today and there is still plenty of that mound left so we are in good shape there. 


  1. It is amazing how long a chicken lasts, isn't it?

    I think that you are right in the whole limiting fast food trips resulting in eating less.

    I've cut back my eating out drastically (for health reasons), but went out last night with a good friend. I couldn't even eat one half of what I normally devoured, and (for once) had NO interest in dessert at the end.

    Now, it wasn't fast food, but I think the principle holds true. I think our systems adjust to eating what we normally eat. If that is home cooked goodness, yay. If that is fast food, not-so-yay.

    Maybe there is hope for us after all.

  2. I have found the same thing to be true. Once I (mostly) stopped eating fast food for health reasons (namely gluten and sugar problems) I have had a hard time eating as much when I slip up and go out. I used to be able to devour a Royal Red Robin Burger, all of my fries and half of my boyfriend's fries (I am really not proud of this) oh yea, with ranch. But now, I can't get through the whole burger. I think eating at home reduces your caloric, fat and sodium intake drastically. Then when you try and eat all of that, your body isn't quite used to it.
    I think your blog is fantastic!

  3. Agreed that our bodies adapt to what we give it. I feel much better also, when I am eating less salt and rich foods. Our bodies are very flexible, but function best or most efficiently when the digestive system is not overworked. Think pancreatitis, gallstones, liver load, oh dear, now my medical interests are haunting this comment.

  4. I eat less when I cook than when I (used to) get fast food. It takes a whole lot to fill up those trays, but not as much to overload my bowl or plate. I think my stomach shrank, actually- maybe yours did too?

    I'm trying to magic those curly fries from your photo to my mouth. It isn't working.



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