Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 29 - Evolution of the "the Cheesarito"

One of my favorite childhood foods was cheesaritos from taco bell - Does anyone else remember those?  They aren't officially on the Taco Bell menu anymore, but you can still order them at certain stores.  I've had good luck in MN, but not so much in other states.  Like many things, Cheesaritos even have their own facebook group

If you are not familiar with this delectable item it is "A tortilla filled with lots of cheese and scallions and a Meximelt without the meat" (via 80s food).  It also includes taco sauce.  Obviously, this is about the easiest thing in the world to make, so as we grew older we made these at home.  Our version went - salsa, chedder cheese on a tortilla, then microwave for 30 seconds.  What's interesting (or disturbing) about this is that I probably ate these nearly every day for an "after school snack" from 6th to 12th grade.  The "cheesaritos" went through many mutations - add black olives, different salsas, add chicken, add refried beans, different cheeses. Various other things.

I tell this story because all though I didn't think of this at the time let's face it - having easy to prepare foods that you don't get sick of (and who gets sick of cheesy - tomatoey goodness? err-not me) is a pretty good key to staying away from spending too much on "fast food" or other expensive pre=prepared options.

So I still like "cheesaritos" A LOT, but let's just say they have evolved!

Rotel, Chicken, Rosarita Refried Beans and of course Cheese (colby jack) - melt in microwave for approx 1min

Sliced some tomatos

After microwaving, add the tomatoes, black olives, and lettuce (iceberg)

So while this was uber easy, I was wondering if it was actually very cheap.  So being that I teach math, and we actually go through a section on unit cost - I have no excuse but to figure this out.

Cheese 1 oz  - $0.15
Refried Beans 2oz $0.08 (.04/oz)
Tortilla (1) $0.11
Tomatoes $0.12
Rotel 2 oz $.12 (.06/oz)
Chicken - leftover
Olives $0.07
Lettuce $0.03

Total: $0.56

So with the cost of the chicken the it would be a little more, otherwise - these are rather cheap.  I am actually kind of surprised at how cheap - Does anyone see an error in my math? ( would not be the first time... hrm)  I did a lot of "guesstimating" on the volume... so I would love your opinion on this too.  


  1. I think your math is fine. I always am amazed at how cheap it really is to cook a meal or a snack when you don't depend on premade stuff (crackers, nuke-em lunches, etc).

    I once did a cost analysis on how much it costs to make bread and was SHOCKED at how much cheaper home made bread was. And better. Oh so much better. I need to get back in the habit of making bread.

    I'm soaking the beans for white chicken chili tonight; can't wait to have that for dinner tomorrow. Wish me luck!

  2. @Cathy
    YES - positivily SHOCKED I was. I mean I knew it would probably less than a dollar.. but not almost half! So glad to hear you are trying the chili!



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