Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 34 - Leftover day

Brace Yourself.

This post is short.

Huzbun and I finished off various leftovers, and ate some "evolved" cheesaritos.  Off-handedly - I notice we eat less on leftover days.  I guess we don't feel the same pressure to chow down "fresh" food. 

Now it's done. 


  1. I plan my life around leftover days. I do most of my cooking on the weekends and then just eat the "planned overs" during the week.

    It isn't the most exciting way of eating, but it gets the job done.

    Of course, it is just me doing this. I wouldn't inflict it on other people...

  2. This is a good idea actually - I tend to be more enthused about cooking on the weekends.



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