Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 30 - The quintessential weekly link post.

 Today, when I came home from work I was in no mood to cook, and I had not done anything previously to prepare.  I almost mentioned this sentiment to my husband, but all I said was "I'm hungry"  and he starterd busily whipping up some dinner, unrequested.  Perfect! We stayed on plan and I didn't have to cook - yippee.  What he made was pretty simple - a ramen noodle, leftover chicken and vegetable combo - that tasted great, but the photo is not worth sharing. 

So onto the links: 

I shouldn't have eaten that  - totally know this feeling, well sort of, I tend not to regret too much. (@thisisindexed)

Ziploc Omelets - I originally heard about these while at the salon getting my nails done (of all places) - good to get some specific instructions.  FYI - had a great coupon for the nails  (@jennafermentedgrapes)

A Tasty Recipe Granny's Chocolate Cobbler - Yum, Yum, Yum (@thepioneerwoman)

In Praise of The Breakfast Burrito - This is an excellent tutorial on how to make Breakfast Burritos - with plenty of room for experimentation -delish!  Also includes information on pricing. (@cheaphealthygood)

My sister's graduation is this weekend.  Looking forward to some good (and free) food!  I'll tell you all about it.  

Ok - have a great weekend people!


  1. Oh, praise to the almighty Breakfast Burrito!! Love those. I haven't tried freezing them yet, but that activity is definately on the radar.

    Right now, I'm working my way through pantry items to avoid going to the grocery store.

    Sadly, I am out of tortillas right now, so will have to wait for the experiment.

    Luckily, I have a multitude of White Chicken Chili leftovers. SO very good. Thanks for another great link.

  2. Love your blog! That ziploc omelet sounded interesting enough that I did a little research on it. Do Not Make Them. They're toxic - even Ziploc says so. The bag will start to break down at 195 degrees and water boils at 212. You'll be eating plastic with those eggs. Not good. Sounds cool but not practical.

  3. @Robin - thanks for this valuable information. I am glad I didn't try this yet, or write a blog about it.



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