Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Since, I don't feel like eating for less than $5/day for the rest of my life, but I do want to blog for almost the rest of my life - I've decided to change the focus of this blog up a bit.

The title of this blog is Foodalyst.  It's what you get when you cross a geek and a foodie, besides the beginning of a cheesy joke.  It will be about all the things I love food-wise (like tomatoes - um do you like my new header?) with hopefully a bit of analytical slant to it.  I am pretty analytical by nature, so this should come rather easily.  More importantly I want to continue to talk about affordability and health aspects or the things that affect "real world day-to-day" meal preparers.  Now, hopefully the words "day-to-day" didn't scare you off to much (I admit - I shuddered a bit), there is nothing to fear -because operating within a budget doesn't have to be boring! Eating healthy doesn't have to be bland! All this can be fun and interesting - and more importantly creative.  In fact - I would say creativity is necessary. 

Also, the tagline of this blog is "analyzing food and life".  Food is a pretty big part of our life, so I think it's all related in that sense.  However, this sort of gives me the leverage to talk about whatever else I fancy on here.  I can't provide a discrete list, but I can guarantee it will include:  blabbing about my new healthy hobby: running, perhaps a couple-non-food DIY projects,  and maybe (but hopefully not too much) talking about my crazy cats.

If this sounds like the kind of thing that interests you.  Stick around, or visit me repeatedly now at - (should still be reachable by for the time being).   Also, if you want more, you can follow me on twitter (@rubyleigh).


  1. Yay! I love your re-invent, and that you're going to keep blogging. And I want to lick that tomato. I hope that isn't TMI...

    Can't wait to see where you take this, and what kinda stuff you come up with. Who'd think 90 days could change so much, right?

  2. Oh, I'm sorry. Was there a blog post here? I'm too busy wanting to lick my monitor with the photo of the tomatoes...


    Can't wait to see what the new blog brings.

  3. love love love it! So glad you aren't leaving us!



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