Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 87 - an impromptu 5K

or the way a 5K should be - I guess

So if you haven't already gathered I said yes... to an impromptu 5K

Maybe it was peer pressure... or the deluded, fat and alcohol induced mental state, but at 9pm on the eve of the race - I said sure, why not run a 5K.  I really didn't see a good reason not to... but I did make a point to chide people about not telling me in advance.

Maybe one good reason not to is that I was currently located no where close to - my running wear...and umm... Tennis Shoes!  Luckily (or unluckily), I was able to borrow some shoes, a pair of shorts, and a T-shirt.  As it turns out, I had a pair of socks with me.  Thanks to Becca's dad, I was also provided with a band-aid in case of blisters!

Well - as I'm sure you already gathered - I was surrounded by crazy people -
So the video is not the best quality, but I'll recap the important segment.

JACALYN:  We are going to run 9 minute miles!

RUBY LEIGH:  *rolls eyes in background*

So here's the starting line-up.

352 - Becca - Ran a half-marathon 2 months after giving birth to her first child.  - CRAZY!

448 - Jacalyn - Cross-country runner in highschool - PR of 22 minutes!  - CRAZY!

449 - Ruby Leigh - Decides to run second 5K with less than 7 hours of sleep and borrowed tennis shoes. - CRAZY!

Also, 450 and 347 - thanks for letting us know about the race!
(P.S. - I did not get permission to use their info)

Ok - Here we come!

.. wait .... wait

wait some more...

My mom, always conversational, says:  "How are you feeling?  Are you warm?"

Indeed, I was warm.  I blurted out something that sounded like "YEAHGH"

Then my dad, who was a runner for much of his life, starts yelling "Heel Toe, Heel Toe." That made me laugh - my dad is super hard core.     

 Well in the end I finished... with my best time!!! 35:41,  Becca came in at 28:12 and Jacalyn at 30:20... Some fast women!

 Oh and my parents plus Huzbun came to watch. 
Also Huzbun and Jacalyn's BF are responsible for all of the great photos. 

Running this 5K was a lot of fun!  So I love coffee after a run, and my friends do too apparently, afterward we treated ourselves to Caribou Coffee... I got my favorite over 500 calorie drink (Berry White Mocha).  It also used up $4.37 of the remaining $5.22.

While I'd consider running an impromptu 5K a win! ... there was much impromptu eating (that was for the record not less than $5) for the rest of this day.  This is why the amount left says $0.

1 comment:

  1. Erin... you re-capped the 5k quite well. I must add that the pair of socks you had with you were BRAND NEW which you were very excited about since you had bought them less than one day ago, or maybe even that same day. :) love it!



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