Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 6 - Pizza !

I DID make it to the store today... we "needed" pepperoni for the pizza, and I picked up some other things too.  In total I spent $41.36, which I added to the total, but I will talk about what we spent more tomorrow.

Anyhow, onto the pizza.  At the store I learned that buying a whole pepperoni link in the deli section (unsliced) is actually cheaper than buying it pre-sliced anywhere else.  So we improved our quality of food (for less money) by learning how to do something as simple as slicing.

We used a Pillsbury pre-made dough for the crust, which we then brushed with olive oil.
 We let this cook a little in the oven before adding all of the ingredients.

For the sauce we used plain tomato sauce

 We added cumin, oregano, "Italian Spices", and some basil to get this:

Looks pretty good.

My side is black olives, Italian sausage and sun-dried tomatoes, DH's side is pepperoni and cheese... just the way he likes it

WE ate most of this before I remembered to take a photo... but it was delicious. 

In other news, My husband remarked to me the other day that he has lost 3lbs since we started this. He has been hoping to lose some weight, and he was worried that eating cheap would not be conductive to weight loss... well so far so good.  I don't think I've lost any... but then again I don't want to.   (FYI: I am a considered a healthy weight.)  Anyway, I think there is something to be said for avoiding the "American Restaurant" portion size.


  1. The pizza looks extremely greasy in the picture. Many times more so than in real life. It was delicious nonetheless. Hopefully working out helped work some of it off.

  2. That pizza looks *amazing*! Yay for learning and trying new stuff! It's pretty cool, too, that your husband has lost 3lbs already.

  3. Definitely going to try this sometime with my girlfriend. Looks delicious!

  4. You can save a lot more money if you make your own crust from scratch. And the bonus is, that most recipes make enough dough for several pizzas. The dough freezes well.

  5. Christine, I am hoping to make my own dough soon, but we did have that one can sitting around. Thanks for letting me know that I can freeze it. This will be helpful.



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