Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 12 - Mexican Breakfast

Today somewhere in the mix My husband and I both missed lunch... oh well costs less I guess.

Anyway, we went for an early dinner, late lunch instead.  I had found a recipe online what seemed like a while ago, and have taken to calling "Mexican Breakfast", but basically I borrowed and then translated this recipe from the 99 cent chef into my own creation.  Just so you all know I am not so ignorant that I think all mexicans eat this for breakfast or anything like that.  Here's a picture:

Anyway, I've made this before, and hadn't realized until now what affordable and reasonably healthy meal it is.  We liked it a lot, and it is easy enough to vary so we don't get bored, not to mention pretty hard to screw up cooking arena (though I don't mind a challenge). 

The brand of re-fried beans we used for this is "Rosaritas", I don't normally think about what brand of beans I buy, but these tasted noticeably better than others I have had.  Does anyone else notice significant taste differences between various "cheap" foods?  Like a better brand of "chick peas" and so forth.  Let me know!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely notice the difference in brands. I also use only Rosarita brand beans as I think they taste the best. I've tried my local supermarket brand, and they are just not the same. I can't quite put my finger on what it is though!

    Cheers on a great idea and interesting reading in your blog.



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