Monday, January 2, 2012

Collecting 75 Years

My Papa got me into coin collecting about 16 years ago and started me off with his personal collections of Lincoln Pennies and Jefferson Nickels.  Every year I add to the collection and from 1999 to 2008 I started collecting the State Quarters as well.   

There are some interesting coins in the mix:
1943 Steel Cent - produced during world war II to save copper

My Oldest Nickel (Jefferson Nickels started in 1938)

My Oldest Penny (Lincoln Pennies started in 1909)

Pennies are nearly worthless coins now days - I mean they are worth a cent, but really whens the last time you bought something that was just one.  Some people think we shouldn't have them anymore, because they cost more to mint then they are worth right now - and there is some sound logic to that.  If this happens, which who knows if it will - then I'm not too worried because my collections value would probably just go up.  However, the potential cash value of these though isn't the only reason I do it.  

Papa and me - a number of years ago
What I find interesting is that every year, I add another years set and slowly but surely my collection grows, and at this point I have every consecutive mint of Lincoln Penny from 1970 to 2010, to some people this would be worth $0.80 (there are two mints every year), but I guess they are worth more to me.  Collecting coins is something my Papa got me into - and spending time doing this makes me cherish this person more than I already do.  There is also something about putting this collection together characterizes the passage of time and it's unending march forth - which we often think about at this time of year.

We also use birthdays to mark the passage of time and Today is my Papa's 75th birthday!

I attribute much more to Papa than a coin collection, but sometimes the tangible is nice.

Papa and Grandma 

75 years and counting ...  
At some point, maybe I'll have the chance to pass this on to a grandchild of my own and continue the tradition of marking time in coins - I wonder if pennies will still be around then? 


  1. My Grandpa collected coins. I never met him but I have all of his coins in the neat little blue folders as well and some slide covers. It's a nice connection to him.

    I still appreciate the value of a penny because in a small town (6,000 pop.) all of us still predominantly use cash. I would miss pennies if they weren't around anymore. Besides, if we didn't have pennies wouldn't things cost more? That $2.99 or $10.99 would be rounded up to $3 and $11. What would that add up to over a year? Because you know prices aren't going to come down to $2.95 or $10.95. ;-)

  2. My dad collects both coins and stamps. I'm pleased to see that my nephews are both developing an interest.



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