Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Check-in 1

So I guess I made a commitment yesterday and I better keep it up. 

Today I credited my self another $10.00

I spent $3.50 of it on Propel and Chips - due to poor memory about needing a lunch today and lack of time to get one.  Anyway, I guess I am still getting use to this. 

Current Balance: $10.17


  1. I've been having SEVERE "pack my breakfast and lunch" problems myself. That does tend to affect the budget in significant ways, doesn't it?

    I'm really hoping to have this weekend be "crisis free" - no neck ouchies or migraine headaches or any other things. That way I can get my food situation back on track. Oh, and the laundry and house cleaning situation as well...

    Be well!

  2. I rarely seem to remember to bring my lunch even when I pack. Lol. I really need to work on it. I think the set a limit for the day is a good idea, maybe I will steal it. :) I am wishing you the best of luck on this and all other things in your life.



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