Sunday, September 12, 2010


The way I spent time on my birthday (9/11) this year is pretty unique - I attended the first ever MN Blogger Conference.  It was my first blogger conference as well. 

I have a lot of positive things to say about how the conference went and my over all experience was with it, although it was not quite what I expected.  It started off per usual conference style.  I checked in, got a name tag and a schedule, and started to make final decisions about what sessions I would attend.  The beginning keynote had some great remarks which caused me laugh and consider.  As we progressed throughout the day each session contained valuable information that was delivered with a surprising level of professionalism.  Something I wouldn't necessarily expect from a free conference.

The sessions were good, but chatting with other bloggers throughout the day really made the event what it was.  I've had opportunities to meet a number of blogging friends, and it's always fun when those talks get to go beyond the chit/chat level.  I truly feel that I've made real friends as a part of this, and can't wait to see how those relationships might grow in the future.

The closing keynote was given by a man named Matt Logelin.  You may have heard of him.  I had. 

So let me just say that I hadn't read his blog, but knew a bit about his story, and I was totally prepared for canned/preachy speech with an appeal for cash at the end.  Call me a cynical a$$-hole, but I don't like being emotionally appealed to, just to fund someone's pet project.  I know - I have no heart.

SO THEN - Matt starts talking.

...and I realize that I might actually like this person.  Matt lost his wife to an unknown blood clot, one day after his baby girl was born.  The story was honest as well as true - it wasn't formatted for agenda, it wasn't seeking attention, it wasn't mixed in with narcissism.  I wish I could re-deliver the "message" in the same way that I heard it, but I can't.  I can tell you that I was laughing and I was crying - basically at the same time, and since my heart is made of stone - this is a pretty amazing feat.   

Matt received a great outpouring of help from the blog community to help him in his tragedy, and now he has made a commitment to paying it forward.  He started the Liz Logelin foundation, to facilitate that mission.  This Saturday, there is a 5K to support the foundation.  I think running in this race is the least I could do, and plus I love running 5Ks! so why wouldn't I.


  1. So thrilled you are running the 5k! See you there!

  2. It's a wonderful way to lend support, hope you guys have good weather!

  3. Looks like you had a good weekend! Good for you for running the 5K to support the cause.

    I'm still working on getting "up to speed" as it were, but at least I'm working on it!!

  4. It was your birthday Saturday?!?! Oh my... happy belated birthday!!!

    Good to see you again, and share some of that more in-depth conversation.

  5. @Cathy - if you are worried about speed - don't! I run like a turtle! lol

    @Kate - thanks for the belated wishes. I didn't tell you though, so you couldn't of known.

  6. I'm so glad you were at the conference, and I'm glad you didn't hate Matt's presentation. We didn't want just a "sob story" -- we asked him to focus on how blogging and the blog community intersected with his time of need. It's a great story and I'm glad you didn't hate it! :)

    I'll be running in the 5k, too. It's my first one... hope to see you there!

  7. @The Marketing Mama,

    I was hoping I sounded a little more enthusiastic than just "not hate" the story. I truly enjoyed it, but I surprised myself, because I tend to get a tad annoyed with the ol' "sob story" routine. I know I shouldn't, but I do. Anyway, I was very impressed, and that's saying a lot.



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