Tuesday, November 20, 2012

On the Move...

In less than two weeks, I will be attempting (hopefully successfully) a move.  At the risk of being melodramatic this is the BIGGEST MOVE of my life!  I've lived at my current place for almost 5 years and it's amazing how much stuff I've managed to accumulate during that time.  Simply. Amazing.  While it remains true that I'm generally capable at life... things like packing, organizing, and minimizing stuff remain somewhat low on the list.  I'm confident I will survive this move, but not sure I can say the same for my furniture.

So far... I've packed 4 boxes... with so many more to come.  Yes, it's a bit on edge timing wise... and well aren't I always it seems.  The truth is we've been busy.  We spent the last weekend in South Dakota visiting friends and it was a truly enjoyed time, I might even say "a needed retreat" of sorts.   I've also been balancing work and school.  I generally enjoy the learning experience, but it takes up a crippling amount of time.  Math is hard, even for us math people.

It's honestly hard for me to know how to spend each day.... I have so many things I enjoy and want to do, and limited amount of energy and time.  I'm thankful I'm privileged enough to get to make such choices, but that doesn't make them always easy.   Lately, school has taken a priority and things like running have sunk a bit on the list.  At other times in my life it's been the precise opposite.   I think it's just an equation of what's best when.  Summer is a good time for running, and now is a good time to focus in on school.  I feel getting this next degree is on a timeline and I don't have the ability to put it off willy nilly, so I better buckle down.  People can and do fail upper level math courses all the time.  I'm currently riding between an A and B, but don't want to get too comfortable.  

Anyway... all that to say, this move has unintentionally snuck up on me and now with a slight break from school (ie thanksgiving)... I will hunkering down to more packing, among the festivities this weekend.  Also, if you are local and would like to lend a hand - I would be forever grateful.  I will also provide you with food.  (email rubyleigh31(at)gmail(dot)com )

Complete Sidenote: I've been getting really into grape tomatoes and hummus, as mentioned here. and this was the cute label on my last buy with Tom, Matt and Otto

Easily amused, I guess.

UPDATE: As of last night I'm up to 10 boxes packed.  This seems like a solid rate of change.

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