Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mexican Lasagna

The inspiration for this recipe comes from the Healthy Tipping Point blog, but it's fair to say it's mostly my own.  

Brown ground meat, I choose turkey.  I seasoned it with garlic salt, cumin, paprika and cilantro.  Mix in 8oz can of tomato paste thoroughly.  Then add fresh diced tomato (1 - 2), or just use one (15oz) can of diced.    

Spread the meat layer in the bottom of a casserole dish, then layer with tortilla shells.  

Next Layer is 2 cans of re-fried beans.   I chose a combination of re-fried black and pinto.   

Another layer of tortillas.

Next layer is Mexican rice, which you can create however you chose.  I've made Mexican rice a few different ways, but in this case I just deglazed the same pan I cooked the meat in with about 1/2 cup water and sauteed in a red pepper.  Later added 2 cups cooked rice (1 cup uncooked).  A pretty basic version.  I then topped everything with a sprinkle of cheese.  Then bake at 350 to 375 degrees until cheese is melted, about 20 mins.  

This dish got a gold star from the boyfriend and was super delicious.  This version made a huge volume, so perfect for leftovers during the week.  

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Good Day

Good Coffee
I knew when I signed up for the One Breath, One Step event I was it was going to be well worth the money spent (Especially since I got a great deal!).  It was a full morning filled with powerful speakers and they really got me to think.

They also got me to cry, to laugh, and reflect.  
Good Agenda
I was thinking a lot about strength.  I was reminded that I've been strong through a lot.  Needless to say, going through a divorce and changing careers over a short period of time can be really rough.  I was thankful that a lot that was behind and that I have had so many chances to grow.  Running and becoming more active have been a big part of that.

Someone there (a guest) said that for period of their life they were just surviving.  Now they are reviving and in the future they hope to thrive.  I can see that cycle in my own life, and I honestly see myself thriving in the future.  I think in all these cycles it takes strength.  Strength to survive, strength to revive and even strength to thrive.

Good Speakers
As I go through this process, I feel that I'm rising up out of a dark place.  I feel good about my direction, and that I'm beginning to get my life.  One speaker, Phil had this to say "when you are rising up, don't forget to reach down" meaning that we aren't just here in this life for our own self-absorption.  Once we find our strength, we need to pass the good stuff around.  

Good Friends
I'm not quite sure what it will mean in my life to "reach out"... but I have some ideas.  Some ideas are grand and complex and need to be processed and mulled over.  However, some ideas are simpler, perhaps reaching out  means making sure to ask a friend how they are doing, or sharing a good meal, or inviting old and new friends over to enjoy company and conversation or even just giving off some positive energy (a smile or a friendly hello!).


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Going Vegan for a Night

In an effort to be more environmentally conscious and humane we have been trying to eat a little less meat around her even though it's not our natural bent.  Some vegetarian meals have actually become standard fare: - like a favorite of ours: breakfast burritos, a flexible recipe which I should share soon.   That being said our diet is not often vegan-esque.

A couple good friends of our however, choose to be Vegans or eat vegan 100% of the time (or whatever the most proper way to say this is).  As someone who enjoys having people over and cooking a nice meal - I saw it as my duty to learn to cook this way.  I also thought it would be a lot of fun.  In the past for parties I've been sure to include a few sides, but this was my first time cooking a "full meal."  I also feel  it necessary to add that my vegan friends never asked me to do this, and are incredibly accommodating about their diet preferences.  Not that they need to be so much, but this is certainly their disposition and I think they would appreciate me saying so.      

To prepare, I had spotted the some books books at Half-Price-Books (a truly wonderful place) and thought they might be of assistance.  I don't buy recipe books too often, what with the internet and all, but Everything Vegan was full of nice colorful pictures as well as tips and tricks.  I'm fairly unfamiliar with vegan proteins such as Tempeh, Tofu and Seitan, so I wanted some tips!
Together we choose to cook the Thai Golden Curry (Chappell 152), because who doesn't love curry? (seriously? who?) and we have worked with Tempeh once before. (early in our dating days we made a meal for a similar group of friends).  Legally, I don't feel comfortable sharing the exact of the recipes with you, but I can describe it as a creamy (coconut milt) fruity (mango) mix.  It was certainly a curry, but in a future version I would amp up the savory elements of this dish and probably add a little more salt.  

Thai Golden Curry

I also grabbed Betty Crocker's Indian Home Cooking, because the boyfriend loves him some Indian food.  Also, there we lots of pictures and the recipes seemed to be simple enough to follow, but still relatively authentic (or at least not much dumping sauces from jars).  Indians recipes tend to be vegetarian and often vegan as well.

We choose Potatoes with Cauliflower (Iyer 148).  It was a flavorful blend of classic Indian spices such as Coriander, cumin and turmeric.  Also, a little ginger and watercress... ingredients I don't often come by.  Tomatoes too, and what would a meal be without tomatoes.

One aspect I really like about this dish was much less heavy tasting than "similar dishes" I've had at restaurants.  I'm not sure what would account for that exactly, but I think it's worth noting.

Potatoes with Cauliflower

I also made a batch of Naan - using soy creamer instead of soy milk as the link suggests.


My Plate

The best part about Indian food is the mixing it all together on your plate.

-A "real meal" can be a vegan meal food can be hearty and filling... I often think kale and pine nuts when I think "vegan", but this was flavorful, hearty and satisfying.
-Buying cookbooks isn't completely outdated, I enjoyed having these useful guides to help me venture out of my typical and familiar culinary playground

Friday, January 6, 2012

2012 Race Plans

Last year I made some resolutions on this blog, but this year I decided I'm not into that as much and will stick to my 27 for 27 goals/plans.  I did update my original Seven for 2011 post with my progress though for those who are interested.

However, I plan to continue running and now I plan to incorporate triathlon training as well.  So here's my presumed race schedule.  Not quite sure how having three races in August will go, but I'm currently optimistic.



Valentines Day 5K
-This will be the BF's first 5K.  Yay - Go Him! and isn't it cute to celebrate fitness on V-day?


Get Lucky 7K
- Nice shortish race.  I'll get cool stuff and will work well with my training for the Get in Gear Half Marathon


Get in Gear Half Marathon
- This year I will not forfeit due to injury like last year.  Or at least I hope!


Twin Cities 1 Mile
-Only "1 mile" race that I know of, and I've been meaning to try it.


Heartbeat 5000
- Chance to run a less than 30 min 5K.  It's a great course, a cheap run and chip timed!


Women's Tri
- My first Tri

Ragnar Relay
- 200 miles between 12 people - sounds like fun to me!

Maple Grove Triathalon
- My first Olympic Tri

- This year I would like to log 1000 miles total (running, swimming and biking) on DailyMile - there is a widget is on my blog here so you can follow along - or friend me on DailyMile!
- Perhaps a longer race in the fall?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Recapping #RWRunStreak

I got tuned into doing #RWRunStreak by Ann from Twelve-in-Twelve.  I thought it seemed like a good way to get going with running post marathon... and it was... even if I didn't really do it perfectly.

As for the imperfections ... I have my reasons: Crunch time at the end of the semester, "The Holidays", and fear of injury.  Some might say those reasons are weak, and others would say they are perfectly valid.

But those opinions are not what is important here.

Because in 2011 I ran 386 miles which is more than mile/day.  (and I'll add here there was a couple month break due to injury)

29 of those were in December, which is 29 more than I ran in December of 2010.

40 during #RWRunStreak


In other news at the blog - I've updated some of my links to blogs I follow in the side bar - so come check that out.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Collecting 75 Years

My Papa got me into coin collecting about 16 years ago and started me off with his personal collections of Lincoln Pennies and Jefferson Nickels.  Every year I add to the collection and from 1999 to 2008 I started collecting the State Quarters as well.   

There are some interesting coins in the mix:
1943 Steel Cent - produced during world war II to save copper

My Oldest Nickel (Jefferson Nickels started in 1938)

My Oldest Penny (Lincoln Pennies started in 1909)

Pennies are nearly worthless coins now days - I mean they are worth a cent, but really whens the last time you bought something that was just one.  Some people think we shouldn't have them anymore, because they cost more to mint then they are worth right now - and there is some sound logic to that.  If this happens, which who knows if it will - then I'm not too worried because my collections value would probably just go up.  However, the potential cash value of these though isn't the only reason I do it.  

Papa and me - a number of years ago
What I find interesting is that every year, I add another years set and slowly but surely my collection grows, and at this point I have every consecutive mint of Lincoln Penny from 1970 to 2010, to some people this would be worth $0.80 (there are two mints every year), but I guess they are worth more to me.  Collecting coins is something my Papa got me into - and spending time doing this makes me cherish this person more than I already do.  There is also something about putting this collection together characterizes the passage of time and it's unending march forth - which we often think about at this time of year.

We also use birthdays to mark the passage of time and Today is my Papa's 75th birthday!

I attribute much more to Papa than a coin collection, but sometimes the tangible is nice.

Papa and Grandma 

75 years and counting ...  
At some point, maybe I'll have the chance to pass this on to a grandchild of my own and continue the tradition of marking time in coins - I wonder if pennies will still be around then? 


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