Sunday, December 11, 2011

Things to behold

I've been going through some major purging around here and managed to get rid of several unwanted, unused or unusable things around the house.  It's been a positive process and I would recommend the procedure for anyone.  Most interestingly, I offloaded 2 garbage size bags of clothes from my closets.  It's positively crazy that I had that much in there to begin with.  I honestly don't think that I shop that much.

Anyway, I attempted to write this nice post about how all of us Americans have too much stuff and we don't need it.  It was going to be very intellectual and introspective, but somewhere along the line I feel like it lost any energy and I wasn't exactly sure where I was going with it even if I support the initial sentiments.

So the other, perhaps the more cretin idea I've had in this process is that some things are nice to have.  Some things I will hold onto for quite some time.  The either make my life easier or simpler or just appeal to my sensibilities.

So here are my "Things"

This printer is really awesome, it's color, it's laser, it sync via the wifi network... Oh and yes the Cat owns it (but usually let me use it).

Matryoshka Doll - have been fascinated by these for quite sometime and found this set at a thrift store. (SCORE!) This one also happens to have blond hair and blue eyes just like me. Good ol' ethnocentric-ism.

This years Christmas gift was "The Complete Far Side" by Gary Larson.  My bf got it for me, because he said I deserved something non-practical.  I thought that was sweet and I loved the gift. 

I found this hutch on Craigslist, and it's totally cool and art deco-ey!   The middle shelf has an antique China set I got from my Grandma - it's also a favorite thing.  For those of you who might ask "yes, that is a roomba hiding under the hutch and yes, I paid $35 for it on Craigslist"

My last hair dryer was of the uber-cheap variety.  It died.  This one was is an "ionic wave", and it was originally $40, but I paid $14.  It's a dream in comparison to the old one and I didn't even pay that much more.

Well as is probably obvious, this is not the complete list of things I will keep.  For good or for bad, I could probably have a whole list devoted to Kitchen items.  While I love the idea of simplicity, I think I will be okay to accept the idea of only relative simplicity where I have things like ionic wave hair dryers.


Also note, my contribution to the blog Divorced before 30 is now up for your reading pleasure.      

1 comment:

  1. Based on this year's "No spend" July (or was it June?), I've decided to try to really reduce my spending and "stuff acquisition" for the New Year.

    Note that this is not a resolution. I don't do those. :-)

    Wish me luck. I've already started the process by making sure that I bring my breakfast and lunch every day to work. AND by making sure that I eat them!! Rather than ignore them and go out to eat anyway...



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