Sunday, September 23, 2012

Slowing Down and Doing Things

I'm officially into the taper portion of marathon training... and it's a tad eerie.  My mind thinks I should be running more, but apparently that's not what you do.  I read a book about it.

I felt a little sluggish when I started my 12 mile run today, and never really felt like I got out of my sluggishness... however  it was a record pace for that route for me, so I guess I can't complain too much.    

I started school this fall, and not just in the teaching sense.  I'm also taking classes.  So while it's absolutely true that I'm really happy to be able to do this and happier yet that I don't have to pay (My work is covering tuition), I'm insanely busy right now! ... or that's how it feels.  I've been getting in the bare minimum number of workouts in with regard to marathon training and I still feel like I'm still only keeping my head above water with school and work.

Whilst trying to tell myself everything is going to work out... I've been imagining a life with less to do.  I wake up, maybe I run, maybe I blog, I knit, then sew... and then I play video games.  It sounds nice doesn't it.   I also think it's funny that when I imagine a less stressful existence... I still imagine myself doing things.  I guess I'm that way or something.  The reality though is their are bills I want/need to pay and degrees I want to get and marathons I want to run.  My daydream of playing video games will have to hold off.  

So then there's today; I'm pushing the reset button a little.  Tony is out and about, so I'm doing laundry, some house cleaning, homework, and oh yeah I ran 12 miles.  I'm trying to relish in it.

Also, while cleaning I re-united with this shirt:  
Yeah, I did that.



  1. You get a lot of respect from me for doing so much. Yeesh. When I was in college full time I also worked 6 days a week, I can't imagine marathon training on top of that. I was drained.

    I'm so excited for your marathon. I've poked around on the website for tracking but it seems they only do text tracking? Or am I missing something?



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