Friday, October 8, 2010

A Confession

First some housekeeping - I decided to link the spreadsheet where I am keeping track of my food budget with the site.  It's on the tab that say "10 dollars per day." This way I don't have to report uninteresting posts that tally where I spent what.  You can just follow along whenever you please.  Of course, when something interesting happens I will blog about it.

Anyway, with that, I must share something else.  Since I do talk about eating healthy once in a while and similar positve life choices from time to time, I feel it's important that I get this off my chest.

It's a confession.


... and I know it's filled with drugs, dipped in cyanide and causes most forms of cancer.  I know that chicken nuggets used to be a large pink glob of chicken guts which was then dipped in ammonia, and I know the health value is between zero and none.    

I know.

So don't try to fight me on this, because I already know and I am guessing it won't help.  I already decided I'm okay with it.

I'm not here to defend it, but I am okay with it because it because:

I usually bypass dessert,

I don't buy candy or other junk food,

I try to choose "healthier" options

I don't over eat - as in I rarely order the "meal deal". 
and when I'm at home - I mostly avoid overly-processed foods.


We all choose different ways to be healthy or "not healthy" as the case may be.  I have an easy time giving up cake and brownies, but when it comes to Chicken Burritos for $0.89.... I am powerless.

There is a lot I am not saying here - talk about industry practices, poor messages to children, and highly questionable meat sources... and I know I am not doing any of this justice (but perhaps I will speak to that in the future).  

The point I am making here is balance.  The media has turned fast food giants into veritable monsters against humanity (and while some of this is deserved) a lot of it is just looking for blame.  The nutrition facts have been out for a long time, no one forced anyone to eat anything.  Yes - they made it cheap and availible, but is that so wrong.  It was always and still is cheaper to cook at home, albeit more time consuming. 


  1. Hey, you wanna eat fast food, eat fast food. I'm not someone with any room to tell people to eat healthier, or what they should and shouldn't eat. Heck, I'm the walking talking poster child for junk food veggies everywhere.

    So long as you feel good, your Dr says you're healthy, and you aren't eating 6 people worth of food each day, what's the harm? Well, excluding the whole earth/ animals/ obesity epidemic stuff, anyway. It's your life, you gotta do what works for you.

    Now I feel bad about my totally out of date spreadsheet. Rats.

  2. Oh, droooollll. I, too, love fast food. Adore it. Would live on it, but as I found out during the building project, Burger King four times a day? Not a really good idea.

    However, over the past months, I've also regained better eating habits. Good days and bad days, obviously, but more good than bad.

    Inspired by your blog, I've decided to try to go one week without eating out at all. Although I "started" on Monday, I had a pre-arranged work lunch yesterday, so I guess that my week really started Tuesday for dinner.

    So far, so good.



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