Thursday, September 26, 2013

Three Things Thursday (9/26/13)

Did you think I wouldn't make it?  did you?  :)

1. A popular wisdom among the saving money blogs is switching to a cheaper or pay-as-you-go cell-phone plan.  So as a iPhone user with a relatively expensive phone plan... I have questioned the value of this choice.  However, I keep coming back to the fact that it's probably worth it's weight in gold to me.  I don't know how many times I've looked something up at the last minute, on the go, or when I least expected it resulting in saving me money and time.  Directions alone could account for major portion of this.  My phone allows me to use groupons with ease, take advantage of other deals, pay bills, find free wifi hotspots and much much more.  Sure... it's a chunk of change each, but for this ADD gal it's been a lifesaver.   

2. Against all odds, I ran 20 miles this Saturday... ok, so maybe that's an exaggeration, but really - I can't believe I did it, and that it went as 'fast' as it did.  11:43 is now my best average for any of the 18+ mile runs I've done.... weird to think that I actually have a few of those now. 

3.  I've been doing what most people would call light strength training, however I think it's quite a lot.  I've even hired a personal trainer, which was definitely a stretch for my budget, but so far I think it's been worth it.  Well I'm not exactly looking like a body builder yet, or benching some sort of extreme weight... I've begun to notice some pretty decent improvements in my ability to lift things... backpacks, boxes, household items and so on.  It use to be hard for me to lift just about anything and now I can do so in many cases with ease.   It's a hard improvement to measure really, but it's nice none the less.

1 comment:

  1. Personal Trainers ARE worth their weight in gold. Or platinum. Mine is expensive, but worth it just for the motivation. He is also making progress on getting my hip into the best possible shape. We have even developed a slightly strange lefthanded boxing stance for me, so that I can start the boxing classes again!! I'm fairly excited about that.



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