Thursday, September 19, 2013

Three Things Thursday (9/19/13)

So I miss blogging... but I don't have time to write long saga type posts, so here's my attempt at making blogging work for me again.  I guarentee nothing though!

1. So many personal finance blogs are geared towards those who make more money than I do.  Often suggesting things that aren't really realistic for us in the middle income bracket.  For instance, this post, while helpful still, suggests things like cancelling 'XM radio' ok, well what if you don't have that in the first place?  Here's a more helpful post that identifies stragies that could work for lower wage earners, though I will say even this does not adequately address people earning minimum wage or not much more who can barely pay rent in the first place.  (yes, so maybe we should raise that already). 

2.  I've self-diagnosed myself with Runner's Knee and it's brought my training to near screaching halt.  It's super annoying and is saping my already waning motivation.  The primary reccomended treatments are to rest and ice... and rest and ice I have.   I've run my '20 miler' already' so I don't know how much I can coast to the finish line, but I guess I'll be trying to coast... I do know I'll be in a corral in Chicago on Oct 13th regardless, and I do I hope I also pass under a Finish line that day too. 

3. Today marks what would have been my 5th wedding anniversary.  Doesn't really settle with me in one way or another... but it's weird to have a day that was meant to hold so much meaning now hold so very little.  It also kind of makes me feel kind of old, while still wishing those were actually longer ago. 

This post needs a picture, so here's my cat (one of them) and my man!

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