Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Random Running Thoughts

As I'm knee deep in marathon training, I've had a lot of miscellaneous thoughts about running, which I'll attempt to organize here.

Love me some Carbs

Just running alone is a great calorie burn, which even at a more modest rate allows me that eency bit of freedom to splurge on some of my favorite (but calorie laden) foods a little more often.  Now level that up to marathon training and you are literally encouraged to eat carbs!  yay! pasta! yay! bread.  Whole wheat is best of course, but still pretty sure that's an awesome perk. 

Running is Cheaper than Therapy

At the gym on the treadmill, I often listen to the iPod, just to keep from becoming too bored while staring at the wall.  Mostly though, I enjoy looking at the scenery and saying hi to other runners as I "glide" along sans soundtrack.  In both cases though, I often find myself lost in thought reminiscing about the day, my job, relationships, and yes, even running itself.  I prize having this thought time to process things and I truly think that running has helped me stay mentally healthy as well as physically. 


As the date approaches, the cost of running this marathon is going up as well.  The cost of the race itself, the fuel belt, the new shoes, shot blocks, sports drinks, running clothes... not to mention the gym membership.   I thought running was a cheap sport?  YIKES! I'd argue it's still cheaper than a fancy yoga gym membership and that I managed to many of those items at reduced prices (i.e. shoes - clearanced, fuel belt - with a groupon), but this is not so price friendly as I would have originally believed. 

I'm a turtle. 

I still get pretty excited if I can sub 12 minute miles on shorter runs (3-5 miles), and for my longer runs (8+) - I'm nowhere close.  I'd like to get faster, and I will eventually I suppose.  However, I also worry about injury, over-heating, dehydration and the like.  In regards to the marathon, I just want to finish before the slow bus comes to sweep me up.  Which might sound pathetic to some, but whatever - honestly boo to them.  

 Free Advice

Ever since I started this marathon thing, I've gotten a pretty good chunk of free advice.  That is, when people aren't just rolling their eyes.  Anyway, everyone and their mother it seems has some sort of tidbit about how I can train better or worse... or whatever.  I'll say that a lot of times it's useful and I don't mind sharing about running, but sometimes I find it plain overwhelming.  At this point I'm quite certain that I've a million mistakes and depending on who I ask, depends on what mistakes I've made.  If I ever get that PhD in statistics I am going to scrobed the internet until I reach a consensus on all things marathon training... how does that sound?  Or maybe I should just find some reliable scientific research... anyone got anything? 

Ok... and the rambling is done, hopefully I haven't let my thoughts run away on me! (har-har)


  1. Ha, I'm with you on the priciness of running - and then I ventured into triathlons this year, so add in swimsuits, a bike, shoes, triathlon clothes - eep! I'm glad my husband loves me so much and we both make decent money.

    Speed comes in time. I remember when I was thrilled to run 5k in under 40 minutes. This year I did it in under 30. I've found that my speed improves the most when I stop worrying about it and just enjoy running. And when I did get hung up on trying to keep up with other people, I got a nasty injury and couldn't run for two months. That'll teach me. After having to make a slow comeback, I'm just happy to be preparing to finish a marathon.

    I've gotten the tons of advice, too. I've taken a hiatus from running/triathlon online forums because of it. Number one, I get way too hung up on what other people do and think I need to be doing it too. Number two, the OTHER people get way too hung up on what they do and think I need to be doing it too!! (Holy crap, especially in the tri world...I don't think some of these people ever sleep, they train so much.) I've been told multiple times that I'm undertrained and I shouldn't attempt a marathon. I was told I shouldn't attempt my last half and I nailed it. I was told I'd bail on my marathon plans after my 20 mile training run. Not true! Running is HIGHLY individual and there's some good advice to be found, but really, each person has to find what works for them. Running has put me more in tune with my own mind and body than ever before, and I rarely go wrong when I listen to it.

  2. I just recently decided to start training for a half marathon, and I'm finding that a bit challenging....so I can only imagine what you are going through! I also love the "alone with my thoughts" time that I get from running. Helps me to clear my head a bit when I need it. Good luck with your marathon!



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