Thursday, April 21, 2011

Taco Bell lawsuit is dropped.

It is no secret to the regular readers of this blog that Taco Bell is a favorite of mine.  So earlier this year when a lawsuit was filed against them in regards to the quality of their meat - I was paying attention.  On the one hand, I was under no delusions about the nature of fast food (my only excuse being - well, I'm okay so far), but the claims of this lawsuit did seem to drop below even my more lenient of standards.   

So the lawsuit was dropped by the law firm pursuing it even went to trial.  I, for one, am happy to hear that yes, they use real meat in their food.  Not only can I go back to guiltlessly eating their food (errm on occaision, with moderation ahem), it sort of makes me feel good to know that with all the corporation scandals and shady buisness going on in the world - at least we are eating what we think we are eating at Taco Bell. 

So, all that said, Taco Bell PR people are making a move to regain some of their well sought after reputation of being the beacon of food integrity (haha):  See this ad.  I'm not sure what to think of it myself - my first reaction is that it seems a little overkill, but I'm no one's PR expert... so you tell me!


Also, in regards to my last post - the thoughtful comments were wonderful - many thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I think the ad is BRILLIANT!! I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV. But it seems to me that someone felt they could make a quick buck by "revealing" something about a major company. As it turned out, they were wrong. I think that they should apologize. Or, at the very least, have to pay Taco Bell damages.



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