Friday, March 29, 2013

Racing and Pacing


So I completed my first race with the MDRA.  I joined the Minnesota Distance Running Association earlier this year when I learned that I could save money on races.  I paid $25 for the membership, and thus $0 for the race entry to the Lake Johanna 4 Miler.  I could run another 'free' race tomorrow, but I think I'm going to cool it... much to much to do.   I will still be running, but it's much easier to start a run from my house.  

No BIG recap here, but there are some highlights!

-FIRST race of a 4 mile distance (largely because it's the only one I know of with this distance)

-FASTEST race ever, had this been a 5K - I would have PRed.   The official clock malfunctioned, but my garmin time was 40:39 (4.05mi) which results in 10:02 min/mile average pace.

Ran pretty fast towards the finish line!

-HILLS were many on this course, and I'm happy to say my splits were still pretty even in-spite of it: (9:58, 10:12. 10:00, 10:03)

-MET @steveinaspeedo who was MDRA Grand Prix winner last year and blog's here


As I mentioned in an earlier post - I will be pacing my first race.  For those of you who might not be familiar  pacing it means running the race at defined finish time allowing for others to follow along so they can achieve their desired goal.  I will be pacing the Eau Claire Half marathon at the 2:30 finish time.  A 2:30 marathon translates to 11:27 min miles, but since most people run farther than 13.1 miles in race I will be averaging 11:22 (as to do 13.2 miles).  When I allow for room to take walk breaks at the water stops, I need to be running at a 11:06 pace.  I've used a spreadsheet to figure all this out (nerd alert!).  Anyway, I tried to do a 'pace run' and it was surprisingly challenging to adjust.  I actually was 'too fast'... which is naturally better than too slow, but I will have to keep figuring out how to adjust.  I plan to do a similar but longer 'pace run' this weekend.   Again, any advice on the pacing front is welcome!

Sunday, March 10, 2013


The Biggest Loser

Despite all the drama and stupidity, I still find myself watching the Biggest Loser.  I get attached to people and wanting to cheer them on.  As far as the trainers go, I'm not always thrilled with Jillian's approach, but I think she knows her stuff and deep down really cares about the contestants.  The show likes to primarily focus on the gym drama and show the trainers screaming "Do more!"  and "Last Chance Workout!" but in a rare turn of events actual details of their workouts were given.  Jillian wanted the contestants to run for 5 mins at a 1% incline at 6mph.  They were giving up, like they sometimes do, and it made me wonder if I could do that.  So I got on my friends treadmill in Jeans, Sweater and stocking feet no less... and set it up to the proper settings.  Guess what?! I can... and well it was pretty easy.  So anyway, I'm in better shape than the obese which I suppose is nothing to brag about, but I thought it was sort of a relief.

Pacing a Half ?

I got picked! (or I was the only one who volunteered) to pace a half marathon.  I'm super excited and super freaked out all at the same time.  I will be pacing the 2:30 group for the Eau Claire Half on May 5th... remember last year when that was my goal and yes, I made it... but I sort-of wish I had a little more comfort room between my abilities and the pace I'm required to keep.  Also, I would love to hear anything about what you would recommend for this task.  I'm all ears right now.   

100 % Irish for a Day

So in actuality I'm about 6.25% Irish, but my name is Erin and it means Ireland... So of course I can endorse the spirit that encourages people to shout "Erin Go Bragh!" (or Ireland forever).  At any rate I ran a 5K called "100% Irish for a day".... it was horribly wet weather and there were literally path wide puddles to be dodged and dealt with.   It very crowded too, so in some ways that made it low pressure.  However, I still ran my second best stand alone 5K - 32:26, which to be fair is the time off my Garmin, as it was not a chip timed event.  The only slightly annoying thing is that I wasn't too far off of a PR, and it makes me wonder if it had been better weather conditions would I have gotten it.  Oh well, sort of a waste of time to speculate anyway.  There will be another race. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Last Weeks Eats (2/23/13 -3/1/13)

This week I didn't cook much or take many photos... but here's a few shots anyway!

White Chicken Chili and Bread from Claddaugh Coffee this local and awesome coffee shop - I love!
Food from my friend Christine's wedding I went to last Saturday
Dessert from Dinner with Amanda.  We each only had a few bites - very rich!

Friday, March 1, 2013

In Defense of DietBet

So the pot for the PriorFatGirl Diet Bet basically went viral and as of last I checked was up to $7280!!  I am not usually one to join up with these types of things... but the big pot of money had me going.  Also, I stepped on the scale recently to see a number I have never seen before, and that came with the reality check that I might have to do more than wish for the number to change.  Yes, I know I'm still a relatively small girl, and some people might be bothered that I'm trying to lose weight at all... but allow me to speak my case.

Diet Bet is 'only' a 4% weight loss, so I will have to lose around 5lbs in month, It's an aggressive goal, but not an impossible one.  Here's some facts around this:    
1) I'm 7 lbs heavier than I was last fall, and about 10lbs more than I would ideally be.

2) I'm about 20 lbs more than my thinnest as an adult... now granted that was 5ish years ago and I have no intention of getting back to that weight... but I know I have room to 'safely' lose.

3) I have some basic eating habits that I want to alter (too much wine and too much fast food) My primary goal is to nip those in the bud... and secondary is too lose 5 lbs.  I haven't lost perspective here.

4) I don't think there is anything wrong with making a case for small weight loss... I think choosing small weight loss is probably one way to prevent having to deal with dramatic weight loss later.      

5) It's a max $20 loss, and my priorities are set enough that if it's a choice between fueling properly for running and losing weight I will fuel properly.  I don't intend to 'starve myself' or live off rabbit food.

6) I have zero history of eating disorders (I mean no shame to anyone who has struggled with this)

7) All of my once fitting pants are now creating the 'muffin top' effect and several are unwearable.  I don't love how this looks or feels...  and I'm cheap enough that I'd rather not have to replace my wardrobe. 

8) I'm still more interested in toning and a better figure... if I can get that without the number on the scale budging... than I would be satisfied.  (Though I think the two goals are congruous)

9) I think I'm worth having the body I want.  This decision is coming from a place of self-acceptance, not self-blame or shame.  I know I could eat better and look better and I owe it to myself to try.  I like who I am now, and that means believing I can grow too!   

Alright, Do I have you on my side?


Then go cheer me on!  I want to make some money!


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