Thursday, February 28, 2013

Last Weeks Eats (2/16 - 2/22)

Well I didn't lie... I knew this would be hard for me to keep up with, but here's the eats... almost a week late. I'm going to not let the perfect be the enemy of the good and post this anyway.
yummy healthy wrap inspired by Falon's fb page

Healthy snacking at school

gorgeous homemade pizza

Dessert made with pureed frozen bananas.  I was skeptical, but frozen banana are awesome! This actually tasted like a dessert.

Quinoa, Red Peppers, Kidney Beans and Feta simmered in a broth.   The broth is key.

Above mixture with Spring Mix Greens and Black Olives on top.
Results of baking endeavors with friends.  The only thing I was actually responsible for here was the dicing the maraschino cherries and unwrapping the chocolate kisses. A small but noble role :).
Overall, a good week!  

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Last Weeks Eats (2/9/13 - 2/15/13)

It's true, for a blog with food in the name there hasn't been a lot of food on here lately.  The truth is recipe posts are some of my most time consuming to write and often generate the least feedback (even if they get a lot of traffic) However, I do miss the food element on here and thought I would try to bring it back a little with "last weeks eats".  I will try to summarize my food ventures in pictures and words on a weekly basis.  In this way, I can share recipes and food ideas along the way.   I make no promises on my commitments here, but the idea is obviously to post weekly, but I avoided naming the series after a specific day so I can post them a little more ad-hoc... but hoping for the weekend after.  Again, no promises.

In other news... my regular food consumption could be best described as all over the map... and that will likely be reflected in the pictures.   

So on that note... we had Chinese Buffet Gourmet on Saturday and it was delicious.  Neither Tony or I are big fans of the fortune cookies, but we do like to read the fortunes (who doesn't?).  Look what Tony's was:

Three times a week, treat yourself to dessert

hmm...and with that I treated myself to fro-yo... Nothing wrong with co-opting fortunes.

 We then went to costco (with Tony's mom) and bought a TON of food.  Which gave us everything and more that we needed to make breakfast burritos.  We make them a little different each time, but they are basically a staple around here. We make enough for leftovers for the rest of the week. 

However I did have this for breakfast one morning too.  It was small but satisfying. 

Bread w/butter, fruit, coffee
I used to make Chicken and Rice frequently, but then I forgot about if for a while.  It's so easy and delicious.  This will totally be re-introduced into rotation. 

Chicken and Rice
Nothing like good ol' hamburger helper.  I used to think this is prime time eating in college, but I believe that's a little lost on me now.  The truth remains that it's easy to make, and food snobs aside - totally edible.  I threw in a side salad to make it balanced and there you go.     

Well, wasn't that exciting!  Obviously I didn't take pictures of everything that passed my lips.  I try to keep this remotely interesting.  Tony took me to Fogo De Chao on V-day (which was 2/9 for us), and yes I did make my weekly trek to Taco Bell.  They have these new things called something grillers...which lived up to their $1.29 price tag :)!      

Honestly, I'm not thrilled with this week health wise, though it could always be worse.  Perhaps related, I have class two nights a week from 6pm to 9:20pm.  Between that and homework, it's been hard to find ample time around meals to cook.  We've been doing a lot of quick fix foods, leftovers and admit-ably fast food.  The first time I went to college I ate like crap all the time, so I'm trying to avoid that, but also allowing myself to be human.  

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!


I hope this 2.14 finds you well, no matter your relationship status.  I had a good but busy day, and was in class until 9:20pm tonight.  I like everything I get to do, but I think it might be a little too much some times.  I guess there are worse things.

I have to say I was all settled in for just appreciating  a day that celebrates love and not needing any sort of 'materialistic adornments".... and while I really believe in that; I was overwhelmed by the generosity of many.  My parents sent me a card with a subway gift card earlier this week.  My friend C sent me two cards, one was under the guise of being sent from the cats (which was corny, but cute and creative too).  And to top it off Tony got me these:

  We celebrated early, due to time constraints on the 'official day'... but he still thought a little sentiment was in order... :).

Anyway, I read this earlier on a blog I like and thought it summed things up well.

"You don't need a partner, a child or a best friend to have a Valentines Day. You need an open heart and a willingness to receive good thoughts from any which direction."  J-Stephens-Couture 

Also, here's my cats with some virtual snuggles to send your way.  (from when they were babies)

 Aren't they just love?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

#runchat Recap

Has anyone here tried to participate in a twitter chat and failed?

I have, I always get super lost with what is going and can barely participate in the conversation.  However, I did some looking and found which really helped me stay on track with the convo.  Obviously, I couldn't read everything, but it was a little easier to see what was happening.  I'd love more hints on how to have success with twitter.  

Anyway, I finally participate in #runchat, and it was pretty awesome.  Basically @iRunnerBlog and @RunningBecause throw out 5 questions and the #runchat community answers those questions.  

Here are the questions and my answers .. as well as other thoughts.  

Q1:  from by : If you could pick a company to sponsor you, which one and why?

A1 Saucony, so I never have to buy shoes again... and I've loved my first two pairs

Basically, the idea of sponsorship for a slowish 'nobody' like me is pretty far-fetched.  However, having some free shoes would be pretty awesome, in retrospect though I would rather have my race-fees covered as those are the most expensive.  

Q2: is from : What is your most difficult distance to get a personal best time and why?

A2:   I PRed a few distances lasty year including 5K, but I still think it's my nemesis, more misses than hits

Ya'll know I want me a sub 30 5K... which has proved to be quite difficult.  Though, I did still PR one of my 5Ks last year.  As a side note, I really haven't done enough of any of the other distances to establish a lot of patterns.  

Q3: from our great friend : What is your favorite marathon or half marathon? Why?

A3:  I've only done TC marathon, my favorite half is WomensROCK - too much fun! 

TC marathon is my only marathon... but as biased as my opinion may be - it was totally awesome!  I've only done two halves as well, but again WomensROCK was awesome!  LOL - aren't you glad you come here for my well-thought out opinions.  

Q4: from : Do you find it harder to run with or without music? Why?

A4:  I mostly run without, but it's partially because I'm to lazy to track down my ipod

Part of the problem is I have one of those big ipods and it's too awkward to carry while I run.  I don't mind running outside without a soundtrack, because I enjoy the scenery, but on the treadmill, I'm in need of some tunes.  Luckily, my mom gave me her ipod shuffle that she wasn't using, but now I need to create a appropriate running playlist.  I got these suggestions from  @RFKGuide2Runnin which looks like a good start.  However, what are your suggestions?  Even though my normal music likes are more mellow, I enjoy music that has a pretty good base beat when I run.  

Q5: from : What was your very first race? Have you done it since? What made it special?

A5:  first race was heartbeat 5000 5K, it was great and I have and would do it again

Some of the runchat-ers ran their first races in grade school... nothing like that fact to make you feel a little behind.  Well, all that matters is that you start.

Not sure if tweet chatting is totally my thing yet, but this #runchat sure is fun.  Join me (and a bunch of others) at 8pm Eastern on the second and fourth Sunday of every month


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